ATV & Golf Carts
While insurance may not be required, coverage is wise to consider.
ATVs and golf carts fall into a category apart from vehicles designed for main roadways. These do not have to be registered and are intended to be driven off-road. They have smaller engines and lower maximum speeds, but with any property you’ve invested money into, some coverage is wise to consider.
Benefits of Texell Insurance:
- Personalized attention: Local, trusted agents
- Independent: We are not limited to one insurance brand
- The best rates: Because we can shop around, we find you the very best rate, every time.
- We shop for you: Before your policy renews, we check to see if you still have the best deal.
Texell Insurance is an affiliate of Texell Credit Union. Our agents are ready to protect your business out on the road.
ATV Insurance
Insurance is not required to operate an ATV in most states — including Texas — however, some state-owned parks and properties may require you to hold liability coverage to bring your ATV onto their lands.
Regardless of where you plan to take your ATV, we strongly recommend some level of coverage. Whether you are exploring the unbeaten path or using an ATV on a ranch, or for another outdoor profession, ATV insurance protects you from every bump along the way. Protect your vehicle and your financial well-being with the proper coverage.
ATV insurance works similarly to auto insurance. While you’re not typically traveling amongst other vehicles, the risk involved for both drivers and passengers of an ATV is very similar. ATV insurance helps protect you from costs associated with accidents and mishaps that may occur.
A Texell Insurance Expert can find the right policy for you and get your insurance started today. Call 254.774.5181 or email TexellInsurance@Texell.org for a quote.
Golf Cart Insurance
If you own a golf cart, you may wonder if you need to insure it. Though it’s generally not a requirement, if you belong to an HOA, there may be specific regulations you need to follow.
Either way, a policy for your golf cart would cover damage to the golf cart and caused by the golf cart — something generally not covered by a homeowners policy.
Call 254.774.5181 or schedule an appointment today with a Texell Insurance agent and get on the course with confidence!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does ATV insurance cover?
ATV policies can be broken down into four categories:
Liability: Covers property damage and bodily injury up to your policy limit. On average, the bodily injury limit for an ATV policy is $25,000 per person/accident, and the average property damage limit is $25,000 or less. Liability coverage can also cover legal fees if needed.
Collision: This optional coverage pays for the cost of repairs to your ATV after an accident.
Comprehensive: An optional add-on to your ATV insurance policy that provides financial protection if your ATV is stolen or becomes damaged due to a fire, weather, or vandalism.
Uninsured/underinsured motorist: An optional add-on that covers the costs if another rider causes an accident and doesn’t have the proper (or any) insurance to pay for your expenses.
Medical Payments: An optional add-on that covers medical expenses (X-rays, hospital stays, etc.) for passengers of your ATV.
What does Golf Cart insurance cover?
A golf cart policy typically includes some basic coverages:
Liability: Covers property damage and bodily injury
Collision: This coverage helps pay for repairs to your golf cart, regardless of fault, if you collide with another cart or object.
Comprehensive: If your golf cart is stolen or damaged by something other than a collision — fire or hail, for instance — this coverage helps.
You may add other coverages that help if you have a highly customized cart. Your Texell Insurance agent can help determine what’s right for you.
Will my homeowners policy cover ATV or Golf Carts?
Your homeowners policy may hold some liability coverage if someone gets injured riding the ATV or golf cart on your property, but check your policy to be sure. A homeowners policy would not cover theft of the ATV or golf cart.
Most homeowners policies provide liability coverage for damage caused by a golf cart, but only if it is used on your premises, is being used to play golf on a golf course, or is being used inside the residential community where you own a home if allowed explicitly in their bylaws. A homeowners policy does not cover other uses, as well as damage to the golf cart.
Texell Financial, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Texell Credit Union and does business as Texell Insurance. Insurance products are not issued, guaranteed, underwritten, or insured by Texell Credit Union or the National Credit Union Administration.